Reading Notes About Game Design Part 1

The readings I did for the overview were about the basics of game design. The first one was about "Euro style games". It was called "The Essence of Euro-style Games" by Lewis Pulsipher. It was an interesting read, I learned about a new genre of games. After giving a little anecdote, Lewis narrowed down the characteristics of a Euro game and how it's different to standard games.

It's more friendly, simple and intuition based. It doesn't require taking chances( like rolling a dice for example ). It's fast paced and unpredictable. There is no player elimination only build up so everyone has a chance to win at the end. Might imply this to one of my games in the future but I still prefer more competitive and player elimination based games.

The second overview reading was "Pulling the Plug: In Defense of Non-Digital Teaching and Learning" by Lewis Pulsipher. It was about prototyping and how we should learn game design through a non electronic medium. I found that interesting since the board game medium is no longer as popular as it use to be. I think it's a good way of learning and let's you train your brain to encounter different challenges.

For game design and iteration I read the "So you're going to make a game for the very first time?"
article by Lewis Pulsipher. It gave me some insight on game development. I didn't expect it to be easy but I'll look to this article and I understand that I need to start off small. Eventually I'll get good at coding and what not. Basically gain experience so I can FINALLY make games.

Overall a lot of good advice and insight into what I'm going to learn.
