Unity Tutorial 02

This tutorial proved useful however I still can't get my head around C#. Copying the code straight from the video isn't really helping, I need to get into more detail regarding coding and different headings etc. Those videos seem to balance mechanics with textures but I'm mostly interested in mechanics. Thankfully there are always YouTube videos out there that have the information I need. I got my head around making landscapes which will allow me to make great levels and make them somewhat aesthetic and interesting. Still need to learn some more about making characters, for example fighting elements and dealing with obstacles. Learning how to pick up a gem is a big step forward towards making with a lot of progression and collecting goods in order to upgrade. Overall the tutorials proved quite useful. The water feature caught my attention as well, wonder how we could develop on that and what interactions to add, apart from swimming of course. I still need to learn more about ray tracing technology, I'm still not completely sure what the whole deal with that is. Also if I'm to make a first person shooter or the character is to throw/shoot something in general it's good to know how to create the cursor dot.


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