Final GDD

This is the linc to my updated DUNDOC.

For the prototype, I'm going to start with creating the setting and landscape. Then I will put in the characters i.e. Thor, an NPC and some enemies. Then I will add weapons and necessary objects to the game. I will then attach the weapons and objects t the characters and at the same time create necessary animations. I will then implement code for all these things to work and respond properly. There will be no textures as the prototype does not require them.


Simple plain - surrounded by a mountain border - coloured green. Some obstacles formed from boulders and logs as well as huge ditches( that happens near the end ).
Add a portal in one area and place in another so it works.
Create a ditch.


These will be default characters from the asset store from Unity. That way they will be easy to distinguish: Thor will be a viking, the NPC will be a dwarf, the enemies will either be dark elves or skeletal soldiers, depending on available free assets. The final enemy will be a big troll. Each will have a life bar except for the dwarf. Thor and the dwarf will have speech bubbles. Thor will also have projectile coding for his lightning powers


These will be downloaded from the asset store and attached to characters. Thor will have an axe, soldiers swords and the troll either a mace or just bare hands, again depending on available assets. I will code it so there's a hit box and so the axe works as a boomerang.

When Thor get's to the ditch I will spawn his ram, Toothgnasher and he will mount him and fly on him, this will be a combo of dragon coding and horse coding...and yes I know what I'm doing.

I don't know when I'm gonna start doing this since I find it hard to balance all the assignments at once.


  1. Hey Kris

    Just read your GDD and I have to say, its really detailed and well done indeed. I was always sold on your idea of a God of war inspired Thor game. But now seeing it realised in your GDD and blog post is awesome. You've gone into soo much deatial and have a clear idea of what you want to make and what all has to go into it. Id say if you showed this to a game designer or a team, id say they could make the game from using this as a template with all the detail and work. Anyway, I really enjoyed reading your GDD on dundoc and cant wait to see what you do next. Good luck man.

  2. Hey Kris,
    Just had a look at you GDD and i must say your game is going to be epic!!! You've so much detail and you have 10 characters which is cool. You obviously know exactly what you are planning to do and how you will execute it which is a huge bonus when it comes to creating your awesome game! Your plan for if they want to fight someone and win is a good one an dit gives a clear mindset and goal for the person actually playing the game. I can't wait to see this game made!!! Good Luck with it Kris !

  3. Hi Krzystof I just want to say that if Insomniac ever needs ideas for more Marvel games you are definitely the guy for the job. You've put in a crazy amount of detail for this game, especially with all ten characters you plan to implement. And with seven different levels, the design of which you may have taken inspiration from elsewhere, I look forward to the end result of the game!

  4. Hi Krzystof!
    This is a great Game Design Design document with so much detail of how your game is going to plan out. It reminds me a lot of the fantastic God of War game that came out this year. It looks like their is going to be so much in this game that will keep people playing for hours with the main story, side missions and exploration of the realms. I'm looking forward to seeing the design of the world and characters as you are great at drawing and I'm sure you are going to design this game great. Is this going to be a dark mature game? The upgrade system is good as each player will have a different experience when playing this game. I enjoyed reading your game design document and look forward to seeing your final game.

  5. Hey Kris,

    Love the sound of your game! Your GDD is nicely written and easy to follow. The amount of detail you put in is great. It's clear you put a lot of thought and effort into designing this game. I struggled to put as much detail in my game because it's a simple idea. Id suggest having fewer levels just because I think you might struggle to get it all done on time. One of my favorite ideas you had was the inclusion of a minimap, I forgot all about them when thinking of my game idea. Can't wait to give this game a try, it's so cool that you're going to add Marvel characters. Anyway, great blog and good luck with further development.

  6. Hey Kris!
    I just had a look at your GDD and I must say, your game is looking awesome. I can see that you are really putting effort into this game! It was full of detail and I can visualize just how good it is going to turn out. One thought would be to maybe lower the amount of levels as your time left may be too short. I really hope it all works out for you.


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