Unity Tutorial 05

I liked this weeks unity tutorials especially the part where we learn how to make it so you can pick up weapons.

Changing the colour of the daylight can be really useful when setting a mood for the game, especially when it's a fantasy game, which is personally my favorite genre so expect a lot of fantasy games from me 😝. Dark gloomy or red or purple lighting can create a sense of a horror game like in Bloodborne. That combined with the wind can create some interesting effects.

Moving on to my favorite part, how to pick up a weapon. I'm glad this tutorial showed a more interesting take on the matter. Instead of having a weapon just lying around it was lodged into a tree. This is inspiring, for example if someone want's to make a game about King Arthur and can lodge the Excalibur into a rock. This can be interesting but also think of a game where enemies drop weapons and you can then pic them up. Also the code seems easy enough especially that you can just copy and paste the code from previous exercises.

Lastly, we learned how to add a house, change it's colours and textures and to add a light source. Adding a light source to the character for example can be useful if in a dark room for example or if the character has something to do with magic or has a light up outfit that shines light from them or what not...Anyways the part where you add light to an object is more useful than the part where you add a house since the house part is very easy, at least in my opinion, it's something we haven't done before. But adding the lights can prove very useful in making sci-fi/fantasy games.


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