Unity Free Tutorials

These would be all the tutorials I need for now...I still can't get the enemy AI to work but I'm sure it'll kick off eventually. I added an exclamation mark over an NPC to make them look like they have a quest for me. I still need to find a way to make the camera work properly so I could actually interact with the NPC's. I will then need to add a second NPC and make more enemies if this one decides to work properly. I might add a portal in the end but I might ditch the whole flying goat idea for now. I will try to add projectiles though, feel like that would be something. Also let's not forget about the inventory and the mini map. The problem with the enemy AI is that it does not react to my player. It's meant to follow and/or get attracted to my player when he's in it's field of view, at least we're gonna call it that for now. Once I get that working I should be fine.


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