Game Design Document

So I want to make a top down Dungeon Crawler that has both a story mode and multiplayer. It will be based off "Into the Gungeon". That game has ricochet mechanics and I really want to implement that into my game. Story wise its based off Bloodborne in which you're a hunter who kills monsters. In that game you have the blood church and "the old ones" A.K.A gods. This gave me an idea.

In my game you have the dark and the light moon church and you are trying to save the light by destroying the dark church. You are also  a hunter who fights monsters. I'm not sure what I should name the game but the first thing that comes to mind is "Lunar Hunter" since you're a hunter based of a church that worships the moon.

My game use to be a project of two but now is a single project, due to creative differences, but the idea is more less the same.

And her is the first draft.


  1. Hey Krzystof,

    I really enjoyed reading through your game design document (GDD) for the game project this semester. I find the idea for your game to be really cool and interesting. After reading through your game design document from your powerpoint presentation I feel like you have a real grasp on what you want to create and how you want to go about doing it. So far your draft GDD looks really impressive and informative. What kind of style of game are you going for? What theme are you going for in your game? Whats your stylistic approach? The powerpoint presentation is really good and stylistic which, adds to it as a whole. Overall I find your game design document and game idea to be really well thought out and fascinating. I look forward to seeing the development of the game as the weeks progress and the final result. Good luck with the development of your game!

  2. Hi Krzystof,
    I read through your game design document GDD for Multimedia 2 game project. I like your game idea I find it fascinating and interesting. After reading the GDD, it looks like you know what and how your game is going to turn out in the end. I thought it was pretty cool how your character looks for the game and how create different frame to make it look like it was moving up and down.
    Good luck with your game, I am looking forward to how it will look in the end.


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