Multimedia Project Research

My team consists of two people, me and John Hartigan. But before the group actually existed I was thinking of going solo for a first person shooter based on the Suicide Squad comics. That game would be multiplayer based and would be very similar to Overwatch with it's mechanics and it's unique take on each character. I would need to create my own objects and characters, however we're not learning how to use that software(blender and Zbrush) yet so it would be difficult to do it solo...

Later I was talking to John and he proposed his idea and I proposed mine. We figured that for the purpose of this project, his idea is better but we could implement the multiplayer element of my idea.

The Game Idea...

The game will be an RPG, based on games like Mystery Dungeon and Enter the Gungeon. A lot of the mechanics and physics would be based on Gungeon because of how fluid it is. It also has a nice pixelated but neat art style to it. It would feature different character classes and each character would have their own abilities. We could build our own open world and create fun and interactive levels. John is good at designing characters and objects, I'm more experienced with code. It could work out very well. We will expand this idea further, but we're only meant to start this project after we finish the group project phase 2 module, which means we have a bit more time to think about this. We could think about what genre or even a mixture on genres this game could be. It could be horror, fantasy, adventure and so on... Also so far we have three character classes: warrior, mage and hunter which we will flesh out more.

We're gonna use the Unity engine to make our game. It'll be a 2D look down kind of game with multiplayer. Thankfully, Unity supports a multiplayer option.


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